A hope for drug-addicted children in Tanzania
Every year, thousands of children and young people find their way into drug addiction and onto the streets of Tanzania. The lack of educational opportunities, family problems such as violence, orphanhood and supply shortages, but also a lack of prospects ensure that children often end up on the streets, neglected and addicted to drugs at a young age.
On the streets of the city, children between the ages of 4 and 17 are left to fend for themselves: The few social institutions to support and house the children usually work at the limit of their capacities. There is no state aid or structural reception measures for socially neglected and drug-addicted children.
Our vision – a „second chance“
The challenging circumstances for the care, reception and accompaniment of drug-addicted children have led to the vision of offering these same children a new and hopeful perspective. The „Second Chance“ reception facility is intended to give children and young people up to the age of 17 the chance to show them a way out of the downward spiral of drug addiction and homelessness and to accompany them in this process.
Official website of the initiative: SECOND CHANCE – Hilfe für Kinder und Jugendliche in Tansania

Andrea Hellemann
sent outAndrea has been our hands-on children’s ministry missionary in Tanzania for over 10 years. She has already successfully built up a children’s home in Dodoma and now has the courage to take on a new challenge for children who are especially important to her.
The „Second Chance“ project in Dodoma, Tanzania, aims to give children and young people whose lives are on the brink a second chance and to steer their lives in a forward-looking direction with competent social and medical support.
Based on our Christian values, we want to reach out to these children and young people and, out of charity and full of confidence, give them a new hope for their lives.
Prayer requests
An NGO (non government organisation) has now been established, talks with the local youth office are ongoing, a scout tribe has been started and the staff trained – the next step would be an official acceptance and cooperation with Royal Rangers Africa and the organization/funding of a hostel for the children.
Impressions from the work in Dodoma

Mit deiner Unterstützung können wir mehr Kindern und Jugendlichen eine Perspektive und gute Zukunft vermitteln.
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